5 Ways To Live a Positive Life

Krishna goswami
2 min readJul 31, 2021

I was always fond of quotes, writings on Positive living, and in general about life whether it was positive or negative. Through my interest, I came across so many quotes and one of the quotes that will stay with me forever was “If you FOCUS one the Good things Good grows, in the same way, if you FOCUS on Shit, Shit grows”.

.In the same manner, the if way to live a positive life is to focus on the good side of things that are in our lives. By focusing on the positive side of every situation you feel less anxious or stressed and more cheerful and optimistic.

.Second the way we perceive the world around us makes a lot of difference in our lives. When we perceive good things in life we are more likely to be happy and positive about life. And there is a Quote which states “ The way you perceive yourselves is the way you perceive the world”.

.Mindsets play an important role in achieving anything in life. So, we need to change our mindset, also called the internal schema by upgrading our mindset through knowing more about things, exploring, reading, and so on. As it is said that, our beliefs create our reality and what we think is what we become.

.As we know that words have a significant impact on our lives, whether they are negative or positive. For example, quotes have some of the most inspiring effects on us, so surround yourself with some of the most positively inspiring Quotes. Affirmations have the same impact as quotes so say some good and positive things to yourself daily.

.Be more grateful towards life that will make you appreciate the little things in Life, which in turn will appreciate you and grow. Because if you don’t appreciate and be grateful for the things in life, the good will depreciate. So be grateful, write three things for which you are grateful every day.

Living a positive life does not mean that you will be positive and happy all the time. After all, we are humans and we need to give ourselves the permission to be humans and experience all the kind of emotions. But by applying the above mention things you can become more positive and recover fastly from the negative or the bad experience or situations of our lives.

